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Source: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / Getty

The count of individuals experiencing homelessness in the metropolitan Washington region has surged to 9,774 in 2024, denoting a 12% uptick from the preceding year, as reported by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. This elevation, encompassing 1,078 more individuals, forms part of the annual Point-in-Time tally carried out by local jurisdictions and homeless services providers in January. Of the eight participating jurisdictions, seven have reported an augmentation in the number of people grappling with homelessness this year in comparison to 2023. This marks the second consecutive year of escalation subsequent to a historic nadir in 2022.

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The surge in homelessness is attributed to the cessation of COVID-era housing safeguards, such as eviction moratoriums and federal pandemic relief-funded emergency rental assistance. Additionally, this year’s tally demonstrates a 3% surge over the 2020 count, surpassing pre-pandemic levels for the first time. Despite the upsurge, local Continua of Care have achieved noteworthy headway in transitioning individuals from chronic homelessness to permanent housing. Since 2020, the count of individuals permanently housed and no longer experiencing homelessness in the region has ascended by 57%.

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In 2024, the tally of individuals served by rapid re-housing, supportive housing, and other permanent housing resolutions has reached a pinnacle. Nonetheless, the scarcity of affordable housing for the most economically disadvantaged households necessitates more extensive assistance. Furthermore, the report accentuates the escalating number of elderly adults grappling with homelessness, with the largest segment of single adults experiencing homelessness being above 55 years old.

source: The DMV Daily


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