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Lipscomb University president Randy Lowry is under fire for displaying cotton-stalk centerpieces and serving stereotypical foods, including collard greens, at a dinner for African-American students.

The number of hate crimes rose about 5 percent across the United States from 2015 to 2016. It's the first time in over a decade that the country has experienced consecutive annual increases in hate crimes

Professors say the White nationalist gathering will make campus unsafe for students and staff.

The 'Insecure' star told an Emmy's reporter exactly what all of us were thinking.

Ithaca police arrested a white Cornell student suspected of being one of several white students who beat a Black student in a suspected hate crime. The university's president is launching a task force to study "persistent problems of bigotry."

Black fans of TV probably had a Tom Cruise “Oprah couch” moment when they heard Issa Rae confidently say she wanted “everybody Black” nominated for an Emmy to win.

Baton Rouge police are holding Kenneth Gleason on drug charges, but do not have enough to charge him in the deaths of two Black men.

A former Bill Clinton pollster sure seems to think so!