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https://www.instagram.com/p/BWbLh2tjyyP/?tagged=hilarygreen Texas judge Hilary H. Green was suspended for allegedly sexting her bailiff and using him to buy drugs, hiring prostitutes and buying marijuana seized from a defendant, TheWashingtonPost reports. Despite public knowledge of some of Hilary’s misconduct, she was reelected to a Harris County justice of the peace. Ronald Green, Hilary’s ex-husband, made the […]

R. Kelly, who is no stranger to sexual misconduct accusations, is allegedly controlling the lives of several women held at his homes.

Trump's low approval rating is no surprise, given the Russia scandal, and his ineffectiveness and incompetence on the global stage.

The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension offered few details about what precipitated the shooting death of Justine Damond.

The tennis star is still a champion in our eyes.