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Family members are demanding answers as to what happened to their daughter.

The 13-year-old in question pleaded not guilty on Tuesday. Cook County judge, Cynthia Ramirez, ordered the unnamed suspect to remain in custody during proceedings and denied a request for electronic monitoring.

During a victory speech Tuesday in California, Sanders told supporters he planned to stay in the race "'til the last ballot is cast," dismissing calls for him to drop out.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Zimmerman says, “They didn’t raise their son right. He attacked a complete stranger and attempted to kill him."

Desegregation has stalled, showing growing disparities - especially for poor Black and Hispanic students.

The underlying message is to make America White again, clearly a rejection of Michelle Obama's beauty, intelligence, and confidence.

Dante Servin, who shot unarmed Rekia Boyd, resigned before a hearing Tuesday over whether he should be terminated for the off-duty 2012 incident.