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ATLANTA — Calling the Ebola outbreak in West Africa a potential threat to global security, President Barack Obama (pictured) is ordering 3,000 U.S. military personnel…

Movie mogul, playwright, director and actor extraordinaire Tyler Perry (pictured with kids) is known for being generous with his fortune. Perry has supported such causes as…


With RG3 possibly out for the season, is Kirk Cousins the right fit for the new Gruden offense/ http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/kirk-cousins-might-have-profile-to-fit-west-coast-look-for-coach-jay-gruden/2014/09/15/97a167da-3d20-11e4-b0ea-8141703bbf6f_story.html

Pennsylvania newspaper The Lancaster New Era issued an apology, after running a nationally syndicated cartoon that compared commercial airplane seating to the horrifically crowded and…