Elev8 Health

Officer Michael Rosfeld was charged Wednesday in the fatal shooting of the 17-year-old teen.

Three council members say bodega workers should have done more to intervene in the brutal stabbing of 15-year-old Lesandro Guzman-Feliz.

Many Black women--who live at the intersections of several disparities, are dealing with one or several instances of trauma at once.

Remember, slavery and internment camps were once the lay of the land in America.

The heat between Waters and the President turned up a notch after the California congresswoman encouraged her supporters to confront Trump officials who uphold the zero tolerance policy which led to families being torn apart at the border. 

"We are wives, we are mothers, we are daughters, we are sisters, and we bring those experiences with us," South Fulton's Chief Judge Tiffany Sellers said.

Five men were arrested on Sunday in relation to the murder of Lesandro “Junior” Guzman-Feliz, a 15-year-old Bronx teen.

Alison Ettel claims she only “pretended” to call the police and the incident had nothing to do with race. Sure, girl.

On her birthday, Google paid homage to the award-winning lesbian author of "Kindred" by creating a Doodle in her honor.

Elev8 Health

The Houston School District launched an investigation after nine parents raised concerns regarding their children's well-being.