
Congressman James Clyburn joins Roland Martin on the Tom Joyner Morning Show to discuss the debt deal. Congressman Clyburn expressed that the deal reached on July 31st is a bad deal and it could have been a lot worse. TJMS: Congressman James Clyburn Says Debt Deal Is A Bad Deal, But Could Have Been Worse […]

Kentucky senator Rand Pau; got into a heated debate this past weekend over the raising of the debt ceiling with CNN anchor Don Lemon. The argument began when Lemon asked Paul to not conduct the interview with any “talking points.” The Huffington Post reports: As the House and Senate again failed to reach an agreement […]

Geneticists in the U.S. have identified a set of “trans-ethnic” genes uniquely linked to Asthma in African-Americans. The findings, which are featured in the latest issue of Nature Genetics, are said to be a significant advance in the efforts to determine the roots of Asthma. “These results suggest that some asthma susceptibility loci are robust […]

When congressional Republicans, egged on by the boisterous voices of the tea party, vigorously objected to President Barack Obama’s signing a new nuclear arms treaty with Russia in December, GOP stalwarts were called in to explain why it was necessary to support the effort. By having the secretaries of state under Republican presidents weigh in, […]

A Brooklyn teen was struck and killed by a SUV on Saturday evening after helping six other children escape the out-of-control vehicle. Kira Goddard, 13, was outside her Brownsville residence when she noticed a Range Rover approaching erratically. Goddard shepherded the other children into the building but was struck and killed before she could save herself. […]

LOS ANGELES- — A reporter for KABC-TV channel 7 in Los Angeles was shot with a BB gun during a live  newscast last week. Leanne Suter, who was standing near a highway when she was reporting on a story, was shot with a BB gun and it was caught on video. The Huffington Post Reports: […]

NEW YORK-Professors from New York colleges including NYU, Barnard and Columbia as well as their archaeology students have uncovered a lost Black village under Central Park in New York City. reports: At its height, Seneca Village was a robust community of nearly 300 people that existed between between the 1820s and 1850s. Though it […]

NEW YORK — Due to the recession and rising college fees, many female students are turning to older men with money or “sugar daddies” to help them pay their college loan debt. The article talks about the website,, which is home to “college tuition sugar daddies.” The pieces focuses on a young, New York […]

MONEY, Miss.— The Mississippi Department of Archives and History is providing $152,000 to restore a gas station as part of the story of Emmett Till, a black 14-year-old from Chicago who was lynched for whistling at a white woman in 1955. Ben Roy’s Service Station stands next to what used to be Bryant’s Grocery and […]

NEW YORK — A Bronx high school principal has been connected to white supremacist groups and philosophies. Frank Borzellieri, a principal at Our Lady of School Mount Carmel in the Bronx, has a majority student population of Blacks and Latino students which makes this even more shocking to many parents. The New York Daily News […]