
Anthony Weiner’s Twitter scandal is not the worst of the ridiculous events that have transpired through this media channel. The personal nature of Twitter has made it all too easy for big egos to express their worst sides before rational thought can intervene. Embarrassment over these scandalous tweets is one common result of reckless writing […]

The New Yorker has unearthed a horrible secret related to the staffing of military bases in the Middle East. Companies that are contracted by the United States to provide support services to bases in locations like Afghanistan routinely lure women far from their homes to be employees, where they become trapped. After traveling from locations […]

FLORIDA– Florida’s Governor Rick Scott signed legislation Tuesday requiring drug screenings for adults applying for welfare assistance.

The World Health Organization announced Tuesday that cell phones raise the risk of cancer. The announcement, made after a team of international  scientists reviewed various studies on cell phone safety is particularly relevant to the black community as studies have consistently shown blacks to dominate cell phone use. Not to mention, African-Americans suffer the highest […]

The department of health in Massachusetts has announced that HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death for African-American women in the state. It was also found that more than half of all AIDS cases there consist of black women specifically — most of whom became infected by their intimate partners. Dr. Bela Bashar, a clinical […]

Hank Aaron is renowned for breaking color barriers long before President Obama. Just as the first black president has dealt with death threats and vicious attacks, Aaron encountered similar opposition when he entered Major League Baseball after its integration in 1954. Yet, this pioneer battled through the hatred hurled at him to become one of […]

WASHINGTON — President Obama announced yesterday that June will be African-American Music Appreciation Month . Read the full proclamation from the President below: The music of our Nation has always spoken to the condition of our people and reflected the diversity of our Union. African-American musicians, composers, singers, and songwriters have made enormous contributions to […]

NEW YORK-State Senator, Ruben Diaz has criticized New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg for comparing gay rights to Civil Rights in a recent press release: There is no just comparison between America’s struggle to overcome the evils of slavery and the promotion of the lifestyle of homosexuality. It is preposterous for Mayor Bloomberg to degrade and […]

NEW YORK-African-Americans pay a lot more for auto-insurance than drivers of other races according to a new study. The study was for male drivers in New York, where auto insurance tends to be very high in poor and working class neighborhoods. The San Francisco Gate reports: surveyed 600 male Manhattan residents in conducting this […]

Herman Cain is playing the race card to promote his Republican presidential candidacy. He has a new video claiming that his small success and support from the Tea Party proves that the Tea Party isn’t racist. “To all of those people who say that the Tea Party is a racist organization, eat your words,” “When […]