
The tennis legend wants to be one of the best athletes in the world—not just the best female one.

In celebrity baby news, one child is secretly guarded while the other may be putting out a clothing line.

National News

Lawyers for the city of Los Angeles have reached a $4 million settlement with the family of Brendon Glenn.

Dr. Michelle Herren claims that her words were taken out of context and that she didn't know calling Black people "monkeys" was racist.

Kim Foxx steps into her new position with the Chicago police under a federal probe. She promises to make reforms that will end the sense of hopelessness.

A search was conducted last spring for a Black Santa. The organizers wanted to have a Santa for everyone this year.

“Kids love Santa no matter what color you are,” says Larry Jefferson-Gamble.

Joe McKnight, 28, is the second NFL player to die as a result of a road rage incident this year.

National News

It’s pretty easy to shop to your heart’s content without thinking about the dark side of where and/or how your coveted garments are made. Sure you love to secure great bargains at your favorite retailers and brands, but have you ever thought that they were made under slave labor conditions? It’s definitely not a pleasant […]