
The Tea Party isn’t happy with the Democratic Party especially, Rep. Maxine Waters. The 11-term California Democrat recently made a comment at a meeting where she told the Tea Party to go where the sun doesn’t shine. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” Walters told the crowd. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. […]

A new study released by Northwestern University says that men who claim they are both attracted to men and women do exist. The finding is not likely to surprise bisexuals, who have long asserted that attraction often is not limited to one sex. But for many years the question of bisexuality has bedeviled scientists. Read […]

Presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry recently said on a campaign stop in South Carolina that the Civil Rights movement is similar to the GOP’s current fight for lower taxes. “Listen, America’s gone a long way from the standpoint of civil rights and thank God we have,”said the Texas governor. “We’ve gone from a […]

In a new article on writer Sharon Foster says that “The Confessions of Nat Turner” were a lie. Check out some excerpts below. “The Confessions of Nat Turner, the Leader of the Late Insurrection in Southampton, Va.,” as told to Thomas Gray, is accepted as the primary historical source document on the slave uprising […]

ATLANTA — An Atlanta 12-year-old girl recently solved a crime using her detective skills. When Jessica Maple’s family home was burglarized, she used the detective skills she learned from the Junior DA program at the Fulton County District Attorney’s office. After furniture, beds and the washer and dryer were found missing, Maple used her skills […]

An earthquake hit Virginia and Washington D.C. at a magnitude of 5.9 earlier this afternoon around 2 p.m.. Residents in New York City said they felt several tremors earlier this afternoon. There were no immediate reports of damage. It is not clear how far the earthquake spread, but tremors were felt throughout New York City […]

The mother of a young teacher, Mitrice Richardson, whose remains were found in remote area of Malibu Canyon after she went missing for several months, has filed a lawsuit against LA county. Mitrice went missing shortly after the LA County Sheriff’s department released her for a minor marijuana possession booking on September 17, 2009. When […]

A the economy struggles and unemployment increases, many people both employed and unemployed are turning to food stamps. Since 2007, the amount of people who use food stamps has increased by 74% and almost 15% of the population uses food stamps. Reuters reports: Altogether, there are now almost 46 million people in the United States […]

PHILADELPHIA _ Six spectators were shot at a basketball game in Philadelphia. The shooting occurred at the Kingsessing Recreation Center’s outdoor basketball courts shortly before 9PM. According to police reports, two men got into a shootout and injured five men and one women who were all innocent bystanders. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports: During halftime, a […]

A new Gallup poll shows that if the election were to happen today, the top four GOP presidential contenders would run a tightly contested race against President Obama. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leads Obama, 48 to 46 percent, Texas Gov. Rick Perry ties the president at 47 percent each, and the others 2 contenders […]