
In the past few days, the buzz around GameStop, AMC, and Reddit has dominated the news cycle.  One might’ve noticed several people online discussing investing in stocks and pondered, “What’s going on?”

To kick-off 2021, the brand started by Dr. Dre, now owned by Apple, is linking up with Hiroshi Fujiwara’s fragment design fashion label. 

Tuesday (Jan.26), as part of its celebration of Black History Month, Apple unveiled a limited edition "Black Unity" Apple Watch. The smartwatch will be a part of Apple's Black Unity Collection of products.


While the new joints marks Apple's first venture into the premium headphone market currently held down by Bose, Skullcandy and Sony, the price of the product does seem a bit OD given that a PS5 doesn't come with them.

On Tuesday, the trending topic #ParlerHacked went wide with folks on Twitter blasting the alleged incident although the founder claims none of the rumors are true

If you don't have Tik Tok in your phone by Sunday, you may never get a chance to download the popular app.

Our cellphones are probably one of the most important tools in our lives, so it's important that we know how to clean them properly.

TikTok has been in the news a lot lately, mainly because of Donald Trump and his threat to ban it. A new story highlights another issue plaguing the Chinese-owned insanely-popular social media platform.

In a blog post, Microsoft further revealed that the two firms are looking at a deal that would see Microsoft purchase the TikTok service in the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. 

VIA BLACK WEB 2.0: In light of the recent Library of Congress archive of all of our “tweets”, Twitterers need to be more cautious and cognizant of what they discuss or tweet on Twitter. Now most of us keep it simple and don’t engage in legal pitfalls such as defamation, terrorist threats, pornography, disclosure of […]