Kemetologist Tony Browder will discuss last week's Educational Conference in Ghana. Then Baltimore activist Jabari and author Sharee Miller...

Brother Zaki calls for divine intervention to help Black people Globally. Plus activist & attorney Nkechi Taifa & Journalist AJ Woodson...

Educator Dr. Kabe Kamane will explore unity in our community and how we can achieve it. Professor James Small will give his views on the Woman King movie.

Author Dr. Wesley Muhammad will discuss some of the misconceptions associated with the assassination of Malcolm X.

Black Politics Expert Dr. James Taylor will examine why the Democrats appear to be improving in the polls.

The University of Houston's History & African  American Studies Professor, Dr. Gerald Horne will discuss Britain's Queen Elizabeth's reign and what it means for her current and former colonies

Holistic Doctor Scott Whitaker has more than 15 years of experience as a certified Naturopathic Doctor and is the author of the best-selling book, Medisin.

Dr. Clincal Psychology Jeff Menzies will analyze Amos Wilson's book, The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness and Financial Expert JB Bryan will provide some tips...

Metaphysician & Master Herbalist Doctah B will explain the importance of next week's Autumn Equinox.

Egyptologist Tony Browder will return to our classroom to discuss the All African Diaspora Education Summit in Ghana.