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Republicans may be rejoicing after Donald Trump’s upset victory in the 2016 presidential election, but in North Carolina – a state that our nation’s President-elect won – Republicans are pulling out all the stops post-Election Day in a brazen attempt to hold on to the governor’s mansion.

Gov. Pat McCrory lost the North Carolina governor’s race and seems to be orchestrating an attempt to steal it. Not only did Republicans lose the race, they also lost control of the state’s Supreme Court, four to three.

In the aftermath of the 2016 election, North Carolina Republicans are trying to add two new seats to the state’s High Court so the governor can appoint right-leaning judges and pack the court. If successful, the North Carolina Supreme Court would remain under Republican control.

Rev. William Barber, head of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP, joined Roland Martin for a NewsOne Now / Tom Joyner Morning Show simulcast to discuss the post-2016 election fallout and Gov. Pat McCrory’s attempt to hold on to the governor’s office at all costs.

Barber told Martin that North Carolina Republicans have filed “bogus complaints” claiming voter fraud. According to Rev. Barber, local board of election officials say the claims are unfounded. The voter fraud allegations are being used to slow down the canvassing process and force a recount.

Rev. Barber also explained state Republicans are attempting to hold a special session of the General Assembly under the guise of allocating more money to flood victims and then using the special session to appoint two new individuals to the state Supreme Court. If Republicans can succeed in this plot, they will also retain control over the redrawing of the state’s legislative districts in 2017.

In response to all of this, Rev. Barber is leading a “no fear, no hate, no stealing our election massive rally” at 5 p.m. EST at the North Carolina State Capitol.

The stakes of the post-election fallout in North Carolina couldn’t be higher, as whoever controls the state’s governor’s office will also control the state’s board of elections.

Rev. Barber told Martin, “If you want to know what [Donald] Trump will do, look at what McCrory has done. But he messed up and he has lost and he lost the AG’s office, which means that in our state, whoever is the governor controls the State Board of Elections and the Local Board of Elections.”

To add even more insanity to the drama in North Carolina, The Civitas Institute, a conservative media outlet, has sued the North Carolina Board of Elections over same-day voter registrations in an attempt to get those ballots thrown out.

Barber said, “We beat them and the federal court unanimously said, ‘same-day registration and early voting is constitutional and their attempts to take it was unconstitutional.’”

He added, “They (The Civitas Institute) have sued their own state board … they are suing themselves, the same people who are in cahoots are now suing themselves.” 

Watch Roland Martin and Rev. William Barber discuss the post-election aftermath in North Carolina in the video clip above.


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Is North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory Attempting To Steal The Election?  was originally published on