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In an email interview, Solomon-Simmons condemned the Oklahoma Department of Corrections for denying his team access to Holtzclaw, but granting access to 20/20. In February, a spokesman refused to disclose his whereabouts to NewsOne, saying it's common practice for the department to conceal the whereabouts of high-profile prisoners for their protection.

The police arrested a Bronx man accused of wheeling his wife's corpse on a dolly. He is charged with second-degree murder.

DA dismissed felony counterfeit charges against student who used fake $10 bill to buy school lunch. Prosecutor found insufficient evidence against student who said he found the bill.

Angel Rice says that her dream is to compete in the Olympics. She credits her mom for teaching her everything she knows.

On April 12, 2015, Gray, 25, was arrested and died a week later from complications relating to a spinal cord injury after riding in the back of a police van.

Instead of taking any responsibility, the depraved serial rapist called the victims liars and accused them of being in it for the money. ABC should really be ashamed.