
The Network Journal (TNJ), an award-winning business magazine for African-American professionals, corporate executives and business owners has announced its 2015 list of 25 Influential Black…

We’ve got some girl power news to share today! From a collaborative report by Challenger, Gray & Christmas (a fancy-named consultancy), Securities and Exchange Commission and nationwide…

It does not matter if you are an entrepreneur or employee, a work from home mother or commuting 9 to 5’er. It doesn’t even matter…

Taking a mother’s advice on the many issues in life we may face is not always a daughter’s first instinct. Growing up, many of us…

Aside from having spent five hours at happy hour the previous day, waking up late, getting dressed like a mad woman and rushing to the…

Lacking confidence on the job may be predicated by many triggers. For most people, the first couple of months on a new job brings forth…

Utilizing your work computer for personal reasons may not always be the best decision. Most companies have work policies against employees visiting certain websites and/or…

Meriam-Webster defines success as “the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect or fame” and “the correct or desired result of an attempt.” But how…


Attorney Benjamin Crump and Samaria Rice, the mother of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, shared a message to young men of color reminding them that “Your Life…

Brandice Henderson-Daniel, Founder & CEO of Harlem’s Fashion Row, Inc. and The Cliff Jump Series Determining your life’s passions, as it pertains to work and…