Entertainment News

Going, going, gone! Just like the Adidas X Ivy Park collection and Erykah Badu’s Badu Pu$$y incense, the new GarnerStyle x Fashion To Figure capsule collection, also sold out sis! Yes, the “hotline” jeans sold out in just three hours. Influencer  Chastity Garner Valentine partnered with plus-size fashion brand, Fashion To Figure on a capsule […]

After 37 years, it appears one of rap’s greatest relationships is absolutely over. Public Enemy announced on Sunday night that Flavor Flav would no longer be part of the group, days after Flav sent a cease and desist to Bernie Sanders‘ campaign before Chuck D was set to perform at a Sanders’ rally on Sunday. “Public Enemy and […]

It's about time the talented "Black-ish" actress became a bonafide movie star!

Why does it take a thin "perfectly sculpted" bikini body to encourage body positivity when the "Truth Hurts" singer represents the reality of so many more women?

Some people love to cuddle up with a good book, and some love to listen to music. I, D’Shonda Brown, have become a bit of a podcast junkie over the years. Whether I’m working on a project on my laptop or aimlessly laying in bed with my own thoughts, listening to a podcast is an […]

Entertainment News

Mieko Hillman shares her process of coming up with what her 'Young Dylan' character would look like with a team of stylists, and more.

Entertainment News

Tyler Perry posted an emotional Instagram post about his now-deceased nephew Gavin Porter yesterday that struck a chord with many people. Perry told the story of Gavin’s incarceration after the young man murdered his own father in front of his mother a few years back. It’s the sort of tragedy that would traumatize any family. However, […]

You were young, spontaneous and in your prime. But now, the sight of it is a permanent reminder of a massive youthful mistake. Now what? Well sis, you have options.

Thanks to this fashion brand, you don't have to wait for our triflin government to issue that $20 Tubman bill.