
May May Ali, the daughter of boxing icon Muhammad Ali, squelched rumors about her famous father being on his deathbed , with family members posting…


Legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, 71, is not expected to live through the summer, and could possibly die within days, according to his brother, Rahman Ali. “He’s…


First Lutheran Church of Carson School in Carson, California, is closing  after parents discovered alleged sexual activity between the  4- and 5-year-olds students, reports ABC…


Darien Long, a security guard at Metro Mall in downtown Atlanta, deals with unruly patrons each day. Sometimes, they threaten him with violence. Long regular…


Almost 30 years after the Tawana Brawley (pictured center) case divided N.Y.C. along tense racial lines, a court has ordered Brawley to pay up in…

As police continue to investigate why 14-year-old boy Tevin got shot (pictured) in the neck Thursday afternoon at Luther J. Price Middle School in Atlanta,…

From the beginning of this year, the U.S. Department of Education acknowledged that Black and Hispanic youth faced harsher discipline than that of their White…

A St. Louis Applebee waitress, Chelsea Welch (pictured above), was canned Wednesday, after uploading a picture on Reddit of the dining receipt from pastor Alois Bell…

Brent Regan (pictured), a Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, school board trustee, recently apologized for recalling a private conversation he had with his wife to an audience of…


Hadiya Pendleton, the 15-year-old Chicago teen who was gunned down in South Side Chicago’s Harsh park on Tuesday afternoon after school, appeared in a 2008 …