The Tom Joyner Morning Show

Dr. Charles Modlin, M.D., MBA, is a Kidney Transplant Surgeon & Urologist in the Cleveland Clinic Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute. In 2008 he was named as the Cleveland Clinic Executive Director Minority Health.  He founded & directs Cleveland Clinic’s Minority Men’s Health Center (MMHC).  In 2011, The Atlanta Post selected him as one of […]

Jennifer Beals (Flashdance, Proof) stars in the hit NBC medical drama The Night Shift in its return to television for its third season. “I play Major Sue Jennings. She’s serving her final tour in Afghanistan and only has nine days until she returns home. Her husband has divorced her while overseas and of course all hell breaks loose,” […]

The Tom Joyner Morning Show

6/1/16- Happy Hump Day! The TJMS crew is rocking away with the latest on the 92-year-old freak and find out which actor will be getting 40 years worth of quiet time after being charged with murder.

Should the parents of the four-year-old boy who fell 15-feet into a gorilla exhibit in Cincinnati be charged with criminal negligence? Absolutely not. And it’s ridiculous that 300,000 people have signed a petition demanding that criminal charges be filed against the parents, Michelle Gregg, 32, and Deonne Dickerson, 36. Animal rights groups blame Gregg and […]

5/31/16- The Celebrity Snitch feels sorry for Harambe the gorilla. Find out why and hear him reveal which plus-sized reality star landed a gig at the strip club.

Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with Financial Planner, Reshell Smith about how single women can bounce back financially after losing a job. Have money saved up: “You should have a plan. Today may not be the day for firing, but there could be layoffs. It’s hard to have six months of living expenses stacked away […]

5/31/16- Senior Correspondent Damon Williams on a man that had to work twice as hard to commit a crime and the wild crime spree in Birmingham, England. Listen to the funny above.

5/31/16- Find out why a gym that doubles as a dispensary may not be a good idea after all. Also listen to Comedian Chris Paul discuss Chinese shrinkage. Um, yeah.

The Tom Joyner Morning Show

5/31/16- Find out why Tom has given his prestige title of Jinx away to…Sybil. We should’ve known that was coming. Listen above to also hear how the TJMS crew spent their Memorial Day weekend.

Mellody Hobson is president of Ariel investments, a Chicago-based money management firm that serves individual investors and retirement plans through its no-load mutual funds and separate accounts.  Additionally, she is a regular financial contributor and analyst for CBS news and Skip: You are joining us this morning to talk about credit card debt, correct? […]