The Tom Joyner Morning Show

5/24/16- Find out why Gary Owen says he just may be blaming Tom Joyner for his allergic reaction and find out why the joke he told about special needs people is coming back to haunt him.

Roland Martin talks to Editor in Chief Kevin Merida and staff writer Jesse Washington about the launch of ESPN’s site that focuses on race, sports and culture, The Undefeated. On the staff being primarily black: “We are doing something special. We could’ve started 10 Undefeateds and with all black journalists. There is a wealth of talent out […]

5/25/16- Just how does Jay Z keep screwing these Becky’s? Find out when you click the link above. Also hear what brand of furniture is not so friendly to who Comedian Chris Paul calls fat people.

Gary H. Gibbons, M.D., is Director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where he oversees the third largest Institute at the NIH, with an annual budget of more than $3 billion and a staff of 917 employees. Dr. Gibbons’ research program is recognized for its […]

New York Times Best-Selling author Zane has released the follow-up to her mega hits novels, Addicted and Nervous. Vengeance, her 38th book, mixes erotica and mental illness in a twisted and very sexy way. “It’s about the generational curse of mental illness and abuse in one family. Ultimately my main character is leading a triple life. She goes to see […]

5/24/16- Click the link above to hear why the Celebrity Snitch says Bill Cosby’s very good meals are what got him in trouble. Also find out why he wants John McCain to Dab.

Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with Helen Stephens from the Oshun Fertility Clinic to discuss how women are starting their own version of a family similar to Tyra Banks getting a surrogate. “We decided to do that because my husband I have our own story. I suffer from Endometriosis. As you get older, time is not you […]

Oh-and-two. Prosecutors in Baltimore failed again to get a conviction in connection with the death of Freddie Gray. Officer Edward Nero was found not guilty of all charges yesterday. He was accused of second-degree intentional assault, two counts of misconduct in office and reckless endangerment. Nero was one of six officers charged and the second […]

5/24/16- Senior Chief Correspondent Damon Williams reports on a man that failed Crime 101 and a robber who needed to use the bathroom before he could complete the robbery. Listen above.

5/24/16- Who was voted the most vulnerable privates in the NBA? Comedian Chris Paul reveals and find out why Chipotle just may kick you in the teeth if you’re not careful.