Work & Money

DMX's legacy in Hip-Hop and the world is indelible, but his cash flow is now under scrutiny. According to court papers, the late, great rapper's estate is worth less than $1 million.


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Millions of Americans will get another check starting in July.

Drake’s good will has changed the life one individual forever. The winner from the “God’s Plan” scholarship used the funds to get her Master’s degree. As reported by Buzz Feed Drizzy’s 2018 single not only became of the biggest songs of the year but also provided him a lane to give back to his fans. […]

The legendary wordsmith will have her image placed on a limited edition run of quarter coins beginning next year, essentially making her the first Black woman to appear on U.S. currency.


It’s safe to say we live in a digital world, where almost anything a person could want is just the push of a button away. Unfortunately, a Brooklyn mom learned the hard way that when a child wants something, they will most certainly push that button – hundreds of times in a row. Jennifer Bryant […]

In a recent interview, the music mogul says that the outfit rakes in millions of dollars off its master recordings across its stable of artists.

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