NewOne Exclusives

The Quik-Trip convenience store that was looted and burned just hours after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson will soon be repurposed…

Edits to the Wikipedia pages of police brutality victims, including Eric Garner and Sean Bell, were traced to computers operating on the New York Police Department’s network…

In Texas, it may soon be wise to put away your phone or recording devices when around police, unless you’re willing to risk arrest. It…

Valerie Bell has called out Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the rest of the lawmakers in New York to issue independent investigations for police killings, the New…


Police Chief Thomas Jackson, who took over the Ferguson, Mo. Police Department five years ago, has resigned following the U.S. Department of Justice’s scathing report regarding his handling…

NewOne Exclusives

CNN anchor Don Lemon, who made a Columbia Journalism Review list of “worst journalism of 2014,” has done it again. Saying she was just singing…

As police look into the death of an unarmed Air Force veteran killed by a police officer, activists are speaking out about police tactics in Atlanta.…


Two University of Oklahoma students have apologized in the wake of a controversial racist fraternity video that surfaced online this week, sparking a national debate…

Because it is a social construct, race can often be a complicated matter. However, racism – notably, as it works in America – is a…

NewOne Exclusives

Oklahoma’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon House Mom Hurls N-Word It would appear the recently discovered racist video chant by members of the University of Oklahoma’s Sigma…