Just a day after his lawyer announced he would sue the City of Ferguson, Mo. and former police officer Darren Wilson, Dorian Johnson, a key…

Dorian Johnson, a friend of Michael Brown Jr.’s who was also with him the day he was fatally shot by a Ferguson, Mo. police officer,…

While thousands took to the streets all over the country to demonstrate after Freddie Gray‘s death, protests also continued in Ferguson, Missouri after two separate shootings…

Three people were injured in two separate shootings in Ferguson this week during community marches for Freddie Gray. The shootings occurred late Tuesday evening as a group of…

NewOne Exclusives

If you are a Black person living in America, then this headline from Monday’s New York Times may be jarring, but not truly shocking: 1.5 Million…

The Missouri National Guard, deployed in Ferguson, Mo. to control an eruption of protests following the fatal shooting of Michael Brown Jr. last summer, referred…

Al Sharpton’s annual National Action Network conference kicked off this week with a panel that allowed the mother of Michael Brown to reveal some startling truths about her troubles since losing…

Another institution is under investigation after a noose was found hanging from a tree just a few miles from Ferguson, Mo. The noose was found at North Tech High…

After Officer Michael T. Slager was charged with murder for the killing of Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina earlier today, civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump said he…

Police are on the lookout for two men who assaulted a passenger on a St. Louis train for refusing to speak about the Michael Brown case,…