Gilbert Arenas bashed dark-skinned women–specifically Lupita Nyong’o–before delivering a half-apology. The NBA player landed in hot water with Instagram after attacking dark-skinned women and their right to feel beautiful. It all started when ProBlkThought, posted a message on Instagram, stating, “Dear Black Girl, You don’t have to be mixed to be beautiful.” What could possibly […]

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During a basketball game Monday at Warrensburg High School in Missouri, White students turned their backs during the introduction of Center High School players, who are predominantly Black.

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A tragic school bus accident in Chattanooga, Tennessee took the lives of at least five elementary school students on Monday.


Some might say it was Michelle Obama’s arrival on the world stage that gave print media and Hollywood a permission of sorts to showcase black women with darker hues as smart, sexy beings.

Plus, Lupita Nyong'o teams up with Soular to provide study lights to children without electricity in Africa and three Black women are awarded the MacArthur Genius Grant.


Bremer Trust, the administrator of his estate, filed court documents in Carver County, Minnesota, claiming that 13 people have failed to establish a close connection to Prince.