Elected in January, California’s first female and minority attorney general, Kamala Harris, has become a rising star of the Democratic Party. The daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, Harris has made quite a name for herself in politics, and comparisons are being made between her and President Obama. READ MORE AND WATCH […]

TOKYO — Workers at Japan’s tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant on Wednesday finally halted a leak that was sending a tide of radioactive water into the Pacific and exacerbating concerns over the safety of seafood, the operator said.

I was proud to watch Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel last week, as Gumbel decided to dig into the issue of college athlete compensation.  Securing the labor rights of college athletes has been a passion of mine for quite some time, and I was excited that 2011 provided a tremendous amount of momentum around the […]

New York– President Obama will be joining Rev. Al Sharpton in New York Wednesday to speak at the National Action Network rally.

Five-time NBA champion and two-time defensive player of the year, Dennis Rodman, will be inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame for 2011. “I thought it was a joke,” the five-times NBA champion and defensive wizard told a news conference on Monday when asked about his initial reaction to learning of his selection. […]

Atlanta — Bernice King called into one of our radio sites, Praise 102.5, and spoke with Rhodell Lewis today on what is the 43rd death anniversary of her father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Saying that today is a sad day for her on a lot of fronts, she talked about all of the problems […]

New York– The Secret Service is investigating a data heist that is being called the largest data heist in history.

Of course, the one thing that keeps America’s poor from acting out in the manner of, say, the French Revolution, is the bang-up job that the American media has done of convincing every single citizen that he or she will, eventually, become rich. Also Read: Lauryn Hill pens letter to ATL fans for late concert […]

A postponement was announced for the case of the former bakery owner who was charged with masterminding the killing of Oakland Post editor, Chauncey Bailey. ALSO READ: Rihanna Reveals Sexual Fantasies May Be Linked To Childhood Abuse Bailey was writing an expose on the bakery’s financial problems and the Black Muslim group that operated it. […]

According to a recent survey conducted by YourBlackWorld.com, 27.3% of African American respondents claim that President Obama’s most recent actions in Libya have reduced their faith in his leadership ability. Roughly 20.8% of respondents claim that the Libyan intervention has increased their faith in Obama’s leadership. Equally interesting is that over half (51.8%) of all black […]