NewOne Exclusives

The only thing that that front page did was traumatize Black mothers, make White supremacists rejoice, and sell more papers.

Teachers are concerned about how the police shootings of Black men affect their students of color. Many are frustrated that their students are viewed and treated unfairly.

"We'll see how much her life matters soon... better be careful leaving your info in the open where she can be found. Hold her close tonight, it'll be the last time," Rodney Lee Wilson wrote.

The world expresses grave concern about race-based violence involving America's police force. There's plenty of blame for ineffective lawmakers and embedded racism in the American psyche.

The 37-year-old Brooklyn man was fatally shot in front of his girlfriend and three children on the Fourth of July.

The New York Knicks star also took out a full page ad in the "New York Daily News," asking players to worry less about endorsement deals and more about demanding change.

In the wake of the senseless deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, protests have erupted all over the country. While I do feel that uniting in times of crisis as well as taking our demands to the streets is important and embodies the true power of the #BlackLivesMatter movement; protests shouldn’t be our only […]