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A Detroit mother is mourning the loss of her son after a vicious pit bull attack on Wednesday, The Detroit Free Press reports.

Lucille Strickland was walking to her volunteer job with her 4-year-old son Xavier when the attack happened.

Strickland says the two pit bulls ran up to her and attacked.

She tried to protect her son by covering him from the dogs with her body. Strickland was bitten in the ear, legs and back by the dogs.

As she tried to get up, the dogs grabbed the boy under a fence, mauling him to death. Neighbors, who heard the mother’s screams, tried to help, hitting the dogs with sticks and crowbars. Police arrived and shot and killed three of the dogs. The fourth dog is currently quarantined.

Strickland, who watched the entire incident, says the images of the attack will never leave her mind.

The Detroit Free Press reports:

On Thursday, an autopsy was performed on the child. The Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office said he died from multiple puncture wounds and ruled his death an accident, spokesman Lloyd Jackson said. “That will never leave my eyes,” Strickland said. “Never leave my mind. They were so strong. They just snatched him.” 


Strickland, who lived around the corner from the animals, said her 9-year-old daughter was attacked by the same dogs last month but, was able to escape. Neighbors would also have to walk their dogs on opposite sides of the street because the dogs would sneak out from their fence.

The 41-year-old owner of the dogs was arrested.

Strickland says she wants the owner of the animals behind bars. The family has set up a GoFundMe account to cover Xavier’s funeral. So far, the family has raised over $13,000.

A candlelight vigil will be held for Xavier Saturday evening.

SOURCE: The Detroit Free Press | VIDEO CREDIT: Inform 


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