BOSTON-Three lesbian women were charged with a hate crime for beating a gay man and calling him homophobic slurs at a train station in Boston, Massachusetts. Prosecutors claim that Lydia Sanford, Erika Stroud and Felicia Stroud brutally beat an unidentified man after he bumped into one of them with his backpack. The Boston Herald reports: […]

Despite successful efforts to quell the rate of new HIV infections among African-Americans, a particular sliver of the community — young Black gay and bisexual men — are being infected at an alarming rate. According to a new report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Black gay and bisexual men of all ages […]

DeJuaii Pace, the daughter of a preacher and member of the Anointed Pace Sisters has revealed to the Root her sexual orientation as a lesbian, the fact that she is a virgin and her struggles with food addiction. Pace will appear on Oprah’s new show “Addicted To Food.” The Root reports: I didn’t tell anyone […]

Why is the issue of homosexuality still taboo in Black America? What are some of the struggles gay black men face concerning sexuality and identity? How commonplace are black men on the down-low? Join us this Saturday when we shine a light on secrets kept far too long within the black community. Wright On The […]