Although reigning NFL MVP and Carolina Panthers superstar quarterback Cam Newton is largely out of the news cycle after his team’s Super Bowl 50 loss to the Denver Broncos, he’s still making headlines. Black sportswriter Kimberley A. Martin, who covers the New York Jets, shared a letter she received from a racist reader after recently writing […]


Hampton University, the historically Black college founded in 1868 in Virginia, made history recently as the first HBCU with a Division I lacrosse team.

Parents of former Little League baseball players from the Jackie Robinson West team in Chicago have sued multiple parties over scrutiny their children faced after they were stripped of their national title two years ago.

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The Golden State Warriors visited President Barack Obama, a famed basketball enthusiast, at the White House on Thursday, producing inspired social media commentary.

  The John Wooten Leadership Awards is a celebration of diversity in the NFL and has quickly emerged as one  of the most must attend events during the…

  Ever wondered where Carolina Panthers’ Cameron Newton got his charisma, athleticism and sense of style from? Meet his dad, Bishop Cecil Newton. He talks to…

  1/25/16- Did you miss the NFL games this week? Comedian Chris Paul has put the latest to music and you’ve got to hear the…

Meadowlark Lemon, the humorous Harlem Globetrotter who was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 2003, died at his home Sunday in Scottsdale, Ariz., reports the New York Daily News. He was 83.

New studies show 87 out of 91 deceased NFL players have tested positive for brain disease due to concussions and head trauma