News One Now

The citizens of Akron, Ohio are angry about a White man walking through their neighborhood openly carrying a rifle and handgun. Deone Slater, owner of Kangaroo Kutz, confronted Daniel Kovacevic and refused to allow the gun-toting White man to walk in front of his barbershop. Slater joined guest host Catalina Byrd Tuesday on NewsOne Now to discuss his tense encounter with […]

News One Now

Ayesha Curry, the wife of NBA champion and reigning MVP Steph Curry, sparked a fiery debate on Twitter after speaking out on the latest fashion trends and her thoughts about dressing “classy.” With just two tweets, the chef, blogger, and mother of two nearly broke the internet. Everyone's into barely wearing clothes these days huh? Not my style. I like […]

News One Now

Conservative Black minister Bishop E.W. Jackson joined Roland Martin on NewsOne Now to discuss his views about Black Lives Matter and why he considers the movement “demonic.” Bishop Jackson is part of a group of ministers who believe it’s time to revive America’s inner cities. The group, Staying True to America’s National Destiny, or STAND, says President Barack Obama and […]

NewOne Exclusives

What do you think would happen if a group of African-American men wearing hoodies traveled to The Estates of Saratoga Woods, quite possibly the “Whitest neighborhood” in the city, to spread a little holiday cheer? In a new video released by prankster Tom Mabe, five Black men wearing black hoodies knock on the doors of unsuspecting suburbanites. Once […]

NewOne Exclusives

Donnie Simpson stopped by NewsOne Now to discuss the TV One Unsung marathon and the special 100th episode of the popular series slated to premiere…

News One Now

In a highly contested and confrontational interview, Roland Martin, host of TV One's NewsOne Now, and Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke discussed Clarke's views on the Black Lives Matter movement.

This past weekend, the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha, a historic Black fraternity, took to the streets of Chicago and held steadfast in the midst…

News One Now

A report released Monday revealed that the Baltimore Police Department was ill-prepared to respond to protests and riots in the wake of Freddie Gray’s death. According to The…

NewOne Exclusives

In recent weeks, stories of students at the University of Missouri, Ithaca College, and Yale taking a stand against racial discrimination and racial inequality have surfaced. We’ve…

The shutdown, attended by nearly 300 protesters, began at 7:00 p.m. In the end, 43 adults and eight juveniles were arrested and charged with unlawful assembly and pedestrian on the freeway, the state patrol confirmed.