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I did not always embrace my status as an entrepreneur. I mean, WHO desires to jump feet first, sight unseen, into a pool of inconsistent pay, trifling clients, and loved ones who just do not understand why you are working for yourself ?

To be 100 percent honest, I am still struggling with accepting my lot as, outside of Jesus (of course), being the sole determinant of how, when and why I will get paid. This business of self employment is no joke. One month you are throwing dollars at your bills like “take dat, take dat, take dat”, then the next month you may be staring outside your “high ass rent” apartment window wondering when your life took this tragic turn. Entrepreneurship has taught me that I can not rely on anybody or anything but my efforts, fervent prayers, and assistance from other entrepreneurs who truly “get it”.

Black woman sad at work

Source: JGI/Jamie Grill / Getty

For the past 10 to 12 years I have only had 2 people who I could vent to, and know, for a fact, that they were not judging me for being on my own and earning my own dollar. When the tears would well up in my eyes after speaking with my mother, or my fiancee about not being where I feel I should be in life career wise, I would call one of my dear girlfriends to talk me through it. To this day, she still talks me through it, but now, as a career and goal coach. You see, even a couple of months ago, I was STILL searching for a W-2 based side gig to give me a sense of security. I have had to come to grips so many times that I, Rashida Maples Watkis, will make money, save money, provide money, and continue to exceed in my career as an entrepreneur.

Little does my friend know, she, and her fellow gang of serial entrepreneur females, give me hope. I mean, I provide legal advice with unwavering conviction for them, but their hustle, and their extreme outward assuredness that what they are pursuing WILL produce unfathomable riches and goodness is what keeps me going.

They refer clients to me, and give me tons of “uh huh, girl…I KNOW what you are going through” pep talks. They pay me (ON TIME). They speak highly of me to others. They are my fellow females in this struggle, and they have no idea that even if they cry at night for the many reasons I and other entrepreneurs do, their words of encouragement and visible success keep me and the next sister going.

They are great girlfriends, grantors of access to the most sought after events, champions of the snap back and international marketing gurus.

They, and many other female entrepreneurs, are all my fellow sisters out here trying to make a coin and a mark in their industries. Not only are you not alone if you a treading the muddy waters of building your own empire, you are amongst great women who will also help elevate your efforts at the same time.

Sisterhood Of The Fellow Female Entrepreneur: How Working Together Gets Us Further  was originally published on