
Sharieff Inuka Rhaheed-Muhammad (pictured), 17, a Florida star high school student, was arrested Monday and charged with a sex felony, accused of impregnating his 14-year-old cousin,…

News One Now

Roland Martin talked with Dr. Niaz Kasravi of the NAACP about the big setback just dealt those who oppose New York City’s stop and frisk…

Why does momentum seem to be gaining for the decriminalization of marijuana use? As reported earlier on NewsOne, ten of 13 members of the D.C. City…


This morning Roland Martin talked with legal experts this morning about the ramifications of the latest Chris Brown arrest. As reported, Brown, 24, was charged with felony…

News One Now

Today on “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, attorney Benjamin Crump shared the latest developments in the death investigation of Kendrick Johnson. New evidence has emerged that shows the…

Tina Weaver (pictured) is singing the praises of an unnamed security guard who managed to snag Matthew Smith (pictured below), whom Clayton County, Ga., police claim …


Three Chicago teens have been arrested and charged with the rape of a 12-year-old girl. The teens allegedly posted video of the attack on their…

Two men are dead and at least seven others injured in string of separate shootings and stabbings — including one at a nightclub — within…


A Detroit woman who was in the middle of an infamous YouTube fight video loosely dubbed as “Fat Girls Fighting For A Coney Dog” is…

John Strother (pictured) was intoxicated when he stumbled into a Harlem church Sunday evening as a gospel choir  performed. After hugging two members on stage, he…